You stand still for a moment and listen. Beyond the scratches, hoots, and occasional growls of the Nocturnals, you can hear the soft sound of water stumbling over smooth rocks. There's a stream nearby where all the animals take their drinks. \n<br>\nMost of them gather on the northside of the stream, which is closer, but the from the southside, no one really bothers you while you drink.\n<br>\nWould you like to\n[[Go straight to the Northside|Northside]]\n[[Go around to the Southside|Southside]]
You decided to chase after the noise that you heard. Your night vision is good enough that you dont need to look very hard before you find a small squirrel scurrying in the undergrowth. Taking a moment to aim, you pounce and catch the rodent under your large paws. Of course you haven't gotten any hungrier in the short time it took to make your catch. Will you [[let it go while it's still alive|Let it go]], or [[take the kill?|Kill it]]
The full moon light filled the dense forest, making it harder than usual for the scavengers to hide in the undergrowth. You hear the scampering of small feet. You aren't very hungry right now, but maybe you're in the mood for a hunt to pass the night hours. What would you like to do? <br>\n[[Go for a hunt?|Hunt]] or [[Leave it alone|Ignore them]]
You release the small creature and watch it run up a tree. After that bit of entertainment, you start to notice that your mouth is feeling a bit dry. <br>\nWould you like to go to the stream?\n[[Go get a drink|Stream]]\n[[Find something better to do|Something Else]]
The World of Spirits
Made by Zelle
You walked by, unconcerned with the smaller creatures scurrying away at your feet. Your mouth is dry, do you want to head for the stream?\n\n[[Go get a drink|Stream]]\n[[Find something better to do|Something Else]]